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Writer's pictureAmanda DelloStritto

Thesis Updates and The Beginning of a New Age

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Holy Cannoli I've been falling behind on blog posts because of all the rendering and portfolio drama. And I was doing so good! T_T So there's a lot to update you on!

We had the artist call meeting last Saturday, and Holy GUACAMOLE, I now have not one. . .

not two. . .

but THREE composers working on my project!!!!!! I think I was starting to lose steam on my thesis, but I am reinvigorated and ready to go! All of them are incredibly talented, but it doesn't stop there - I also found an editor for my film! I went from hating the film and not wanting to do it, to actually looking forward to working on it. I can't let the failed films of the past haunt me anymore, and I'm feeling so much more confident now that I have an editor and composer. They both haven't worked on an animated film before, and because it's so wacky and doesn't have a very ridged format, all three of us can go buck wild with it.

I met with them yesterday and I was super nervous, but they were both very nice and I think we're going to come out of this with a really great film.

The other two composers are just as talented. One is in school for music and composes some really amazing instrumental pieces, and the other is in SOFA doing a production track because she wants to compose for films and games. The first has never worked on a video game before, and the other has taken composing for games and has worked on games, so she's going to be great with music and sound implementation. Ah! So exciting! I'll be meeting with them tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted.

We have some updates on the maps for the game as well:

Forest greybox:

Quarry greybox:

here are some new models I've been working on. I really like the oven, but I wasn't really feeling the rest of the work I was doing that day, so I still have to go back and clean stuff up. I'm really struggling with the bristles of the brush and toothbrush, so I'll have to do some research on it.

I think there's a lot of pressure with the props because they're arguably the most important props in the game.

I also have a few more textured models. I tried to use the high to low poly workflow for the toaster, and the height and ambient occlusion were a little messy, but I don't have time to use my own tutorials to fix them right now. I will probably go back and fix stuff during the break when I have more time. My other classes are kind of killing me with the amount of work I have to do, which I'm a little frustrated about it.

Here's some of the other textured assets I had on other posts and ones I haven't included yet:

And here's the greybox of (almost) everything I have for the apartment that I didn't take pictures of:

I'm feeling a little behind on my work, but I have more good news that means I have way more time to be working on my props:

YO I FinIsHEd mY REeeeeelllllllll!!

We are moving into the:


And I've already submitted my application to Vicarious Visions! It felt great! I've been struggling trying to get a reel together for. . . five years now. As soon as I realized I needed a portfolio freshman year, I started to panic. The panic was not unwarranted, but it was also holding me back from actually doing one. Even now, I'm not completely happy with the renders and there are things I'd like to change, but I've actually got a reel that I'm proud of for the first time. I think that's quite an accomplishment!

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