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Writer's pictureAmanda DelloStritto


So I finished my test scene, AND I received a second gig (that I also finished. . .) Also, I started classes and I got a TA job!

Hopefully the routine of classes will get me back on my blogging and Instagram schedule. I technically have to keep a production blog for my actual thesis class, but let's assume the threat of a bad grade and/or a disappointed advisor is not the reason I'm taking this blog back up again.

I moved house and it was kind of a shit show, so I ended up stopping all of my other projects from the summer and just started writing my fiction book, for like. . . 10 days straight. It wasn't even good writing, so I have to go back and edit it a lot before I can post it, but I felt so out of control of my environment that I found comfort in knowing that I know exactly what happens in the story and that there's a happy ending. Can't say that about my own life story, but we're keeping a positive attitude until AT LEAST week 3. . .

I started working on my Substance Tutorial again and I'm once again having a great time with it, so there's that as well. Right now, my plan is to have self care Sunday every week, where I don't work on school/thesis work and I get my environment and self back into order. Groceries, laundry, cleaning, personal projects or maintaining my social media.

I cannot BELIEVE my crappy Fivrr gig posting that was made just so I could get paid through it, was enough to get someone else to hire me! I didn't realize how lucrative (job experience wise, though the money is good too,) Fivrr would be, and I have to stop procrastinating creating an UpWork account. I'm nervously waiting to see if my test scene was enough to get me the full time job, but I hadn't realized that they were hiring more than one artist for that test scene. I thought it was a competence test, not a competition test. Probably should have clarified that, whoops.

Other than that, I've been doing more pre-vis stuff for Narcolepsy Project, which is making me miserable. I know once we start production I still won't be able to just disappear into Maya and Substance, never to be seen again, but hopefully I'll be more motivated when I'm working on the actual assets too. It's going really well! We had a great pre-first meeting, I've set up the meetings with my advisors and independent study professor, and I have a solid plan for how to run productive meetings (Agile framework.)

Oh my god! Ardin got picked up by a publisher! More on that to come, I feel like that deserves it's own blog post.

Thanks for sticking by me. . . "readers," while I get back into the swing of this blog!

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