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Writer's pictureAmanda DelloStritto

Map work. Again. You know the drill.

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

I would rather work at Cracker Barrel than be a level and/or puzzle designer. Bless game designers, they're doing the lords work.


We met over the weekend to finalize the world and puzzles and what we have left to do before milestone 2. It was a hair-pulling kind of meeting because we all couldn't concentrate and think clearly. I blame the moon. But our game designer brought it brownies so I was happy. I greyboxed the maps right after the meeting, and I think everyone is feeling a little better seeing SOMETHING in the world that counts as a map, even if it's pretty ugly. Here are the progressions from planning, sketching, and grey boxing. I tried to make some concept art for each area, but then I realized I'm horrible at drawing and don't have time to mess around with it. When I publish my "Art of Return to Otter Space" book after a successful kickstarter where I hit my target goal in 24 hours and reach all our stretch goals by the end of the week, I won't have much concept art to include in it. :(

Relavent links for class presentation:

Green Shallows:

Color coding did not make it any easier to interpret . . .

Coral Reefs:

(I was drawing on my lap because my charger is super short and I'm trash at charging my iPad. Also I have benign shakes from my narcolepsy, leave me alone.)

I just pulled up faces after tracing the map with face selections, but it made it look very block-y. Oops.)

Purple Reefs:

Dark Caves:

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