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Writer's pictureAmanda DelloStritto

Everyone get dressed, we're going out to eat

After much consideration I'm changing my idea. It will still feature cats and fostering, but I have to admit that I cannot write something serious and almost everyone is doing gag based films. I don't like being out numbered. Also my idea fell apart with critiques, and I wasn't very excited about doing a serious film anyway.

Elevator pitch: An experienced cat foster mom takes in another cat that challenges her in ways she can't believe.


*disclaimer, I added all my shot ideas for the montages, but I don't plan to have every idea in the final film.

An empty apartment filled with cat toys and decorations and modest furniture. There is a large glass door leading onto an apartment balcony and two other doors leading to non-descript other parts of the apartment. A door opens and a young woman walks in, lugging a cumbersome cat carrier with her. She sets it down and turns around to grab a bowl of food and a couple cat toys. Facing the cat again, she is startled to see that he is sitting outside the cat carrier with the door open. She looks confused as she sets the food down for him. Walking around to the cat carrier, she inspects it while the cat sucks in the food like a vacuum. She is startled when she looks over to see the food bowl empty. The cat meows happily. She turns again but doubles back to try to catch him in the act; the cat just gives a lick to his paw.

She regards him suspiciously and walks over to turn on a lamp. Turning back around, she falls backward onto the couch when she is faced with the cat floating in the air. She looks bewildered as it does a circle in the air.

Cut to a montage of the cat showing off his various powers. She tries to play with him and while he wiggles to pounce lasers shoot out of his eyes, destroying the toy and melting the glass of the door. She can’t believe what she’s seeing. Cut to her sitting on the couch with a book. The cat is sitting on the end table with an empty glass, raising his paw towards it and pushing it off the table slowly. She jumps to catch the glass just as it falls, but instead of falling to the ground it flies across the room, her gaze following as it whips past her, and shattering glass can he heard. Cut to her carrying a nail clipper cautiously towards him floating in the air. She reaches a hand to his paw and draws the nail clippers towards him. The cat turns rock solid, dropping to the floor and dragging her with it. Cut to a door opening to reveal her in a hallway holding a sock. She offers it towards the camera, looking sheepish. Cut to the door opening again, this time she is holding a TV remote. Cut to the door opening a third time and she is holding an entire toilet seat and lid. Through the wall next to her the cat sticks his head through the wall, spatula in mouth. Cut to the girl taking pictures of the cat on the ground. She looks at the camera as the camera cuts to a close of up of her. She takes a closer look and her head snaps back up to see the cat has changed fur color. She raises up the camera again and pauses to take another picture. With the flash the cat returns to its normal color. Cut to the cat looking over his shoulder as he digs his claws into the curtains. The girl watches in horror as there are ripping sounds and fire reflects in her eyes. Cut to her walking into the room with a bowl of cereal, but stops dead with a rack focus changing to show floating cat poop in front of her face.

End montage. She is trying to play with him, throwing a metal ball up towards him as he dives to catch it easily. The girl smirks, gaining confidence as she figures out how to play with him. He spins fast from his momentum, ending up over the book case. He looks dizzy, and suddenly looks as if he’s about to throw up. A green liquid falls from him mouth and he vomits onto of the book shelf, landing on a ragged rabbit toy. The girl watches and then suddenly jumps into action upon seeing what he has thrown up on. She picks up the toy rabbit which disintegrates in her hand. Her eyes glass over with tears, looking at her ashy hands. The cat floats over to her, ball in mouth, trying to nuzzle her face. She angrily turns to him and waves her arms at him trying to shoo him away angrily. He moves as if she was disrupting a water current, rearing back. He disappears through one of the doors, looking scared. The girl falls to her knees, crying.

Cut to her holding the cat carrier again, door open and about to leave. The cat floats out in front of her, looking apologetic and sad. He rubs up against her chin and floats back down into the carrier, trying to please her. She looks startled, her face changing from upset to sad to disappointed to exasperated, finally landing on a face that suggests that she’s going to regret her decision, assumedly deciding to keep him.

Cut to a montage of her learning how to deal with him. She is watching TV and he goes to knock over something, which she grabs from the air without looking away. Cut to her passing the cat who has floated into the room through the neighboring wall, dragging a blender by the cord. She walks over to him, rolling her eyes and turning him in midair to send him back over to the neighbors. Cut to her sitting by the cat who is glowing with heat. Cut to the cat appearing through the door with a live rabbit turning around in the air. He tries to put it on the shelf where the stuffed animal was. She waves no at him, running over to catch the rabbit. Cut to her throwing toys in the air for him to catch. Cut to her in the hallway, the cat carrying all her laundry. She realizes she doesn’t have her keys and points to the door handle. The cat goes in, but takes too long and appears through the door, throwing up the keys and making her wince in disgust. Cut to her sleeping on the couch, as the cat floats over and lays down gently on her chest. She adjusts to wrap her arms around him. Credits.

It's a magic cat.

Oh my god I forgot about how much work I put into my trello. If you need me I'll be sobbing in the 3D lab.

(Am I allowed to put personal comments in this? Will employers see it? I'm going to risk it for the biscuit because I need somewhere to put these thoughts down.)

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